Dear Parents,
We return to Five days a week in person instruction on Monday, April 5th.
We have Concert Band Rehearsals on the following dates, to prepare for our concert on April 29th in the Auditorium. This concert will include guests as did our virtual upload events for Indoor Percussion and guard did. We will also record the concert and display on Facebook and the website as we did in December, I will send more info as the date gets closer. This concert will only include Jazz Band, Concert Band and Percussion (about 45 minutes).
April 5, 3:45-5:15, Full Band; Drumline will start 30 minutes later
April 8 – 3;45-5pm woodwind sectionals
April 12 3:45-5:15, Full Band; Drumline will start 30 minutes later
April 15 3:45-5pm brass sectionals
April 26 3:45 – 5:30 – DRESS REHEARSAL
Save the date we have a MOD Pizza % day coming up on April 15, to support our music boosters!
If you have any questions please reach out to me,
Christine Garcia
Sahuarita High School
Band and Orchestra Director
(520) 625-3502 X 1551