2023/2024 School Year
The Sahuarita Mustang Music Boosters are a 501(c)3 Organization that exists exclusively for the charitable and educational assistance benefiting the Sahuarita High School music department by, a) providing support to the music department staff in the form of funds and resources, b) assisting in the organization of volunteer programs that benefit the students and families, and c) providing grant writing and fund raising assistance.formed to help support all of the music classes and programs at Sahuarita High School. The membership of the organization is made up of parents and family members of current SHS music students.

Lara Ludwick

Vice President #1
Elizabeth Christie

Vice President #2
Kirsten Sparks

Vice President #2
Miriam Bracety

Vice President #3
Bridget Perez

Shannon Cornaby

Christine Law

Communications Officer
Karina Varner

President Pro Tem
The Board of Officers Responsibilities
- Supervise the affairs of the Boosters and the activities of the officers
- Set the agenda and preside at all meetings of the officers and general membership
- Ensure all appropriately needed Committee Chairs are appointed
- Review all new proposed projects with the Band Director
- Work with the Band Director(s) and Treasurer to present a proposed budget in May
- Prepare an end-of-year report to aid the incoming President
- Perform additional duties as needed to insure the smooth operation of the organization
- In the absence of President, perform all duties of President
- Oversee the sponsorship and fundraising committees and any other ad hoc committees as defined by the officers and insure timely reporting of events by the Committee Chairs
- Be responsible for the oversight and evaluation of all recurring Booster fundraisers
- Prepare an end-of-year report to aid the incoming 1st VP
- In the absence of President and 1st VP, perform all duties of President
- Oversee the Food Service Committee which secures food and drink services for the band
- Oversee the Social/Activity Committee which include, but are not limited to the Band Banquet Committee and summer band camp activities
- Work with student band officers to plan events
- Maintain inventory of Booster supplies. Assist with inventory with other organizations use Booster assets and authorize such use
- Prepare an end-of-year report to aid the incoming 2nd VP
- In the absence of President, 1st VP and 2nd VP, perform all duties of President
- Oversee the Chaperone Committee, Field/Pit Crew Committee, Uniform Committee, Merchandising Committee and Equipment Transportation Committee
- Maintain a list of parent volunteers
- Keep records of volunteer hours
- Prepare an end of year report to aid incoming 3rd VP
- Keep accurate records of the organization’s meetings by taking minutes and attendance and keeping files of all handouts distributed at each meeting
- Make copies of meeting minutes available to Director when requested
- Keep all original records and documents of the Boosters, including contractual agreements, correspondence received, bylaw revisions and documents created for the organization
- Provide general correspondence for the organization as needed
- Post notification of all general meetings
- Oversee the Nominating Committee and provide assistance requested
- Prepare and end-of-year report to aid the incoming Secretary/Recorder
- Be the custodian of all funds of the organization
- Receive monies due and payable to the Boosters from any source whatsoever
- Keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of the Boosters assets and business transactions, including accounts of its assets, liabilities, receipts and disbursements
- Give the general membership at each regular meeting a full report all accounts
- Be responsible for the filing of financial reports that are requested by SUSD
- Be responsible for arranging an annual audit of all financial records of the previous year. This audit shall be conducted before the transfer of duty by an unaffiliated and impartial auditor. The outgoing Treasurer will review the audit with the incoming Treasurer and the audit report will be presented at the 1st regular meeting of the year
- Must be involved with year internal audit and budget process
- Prepare required Internal Revenue Service returns and file yearly required returns for Federal, State and Local entities.
- Prepare end-of-year report to aid the incoming Treasurer
- Coordinate communications and publicity for the Band Booster organization
- Oversee the Communications Committee whose responsibilities include but are not limited to website maintenance, Booster newsletter, and publicity for band and Booster activities
- Will work with the Secretary to ensure that minutes and Booster information is distributed promptly and accurately to all Boosters
- Responsible for social media management and promotion
- Acts as a member of the Board with a two year term.
- The first year the Pro-Tem will be a voting member of the board and may serve as a chair of any special committee and as a general assistant to the President.
- The second year, the Pro-Tem shall assume the duties as the elected president of the organization. All rights and responsibilities of the President shall apply during the second year of the term.