Dear Parents,

Our marching band season has come to an end and our long days will not be as often. I will also not be writing a weekly email. I encourage you to check the website for calendars and other information.  I will try to send an email about every 2-3 weeks but ask your child what we are working on in class. Thank you for all of your support over the first three months of the school year it has been my honor to work with your family.

Students received two new pieces for our December 12th concert. Although this music does not have to be memorized it will require students to work on their music parts at home. I do not have students turn in practice logs but we will continue to have sectionals at school and objective sheets to prepare the music. Please help your child to utilize regular practice habits to ensure progress and growth.

November at a Glance:
Nov. 18th – Music Booster Meeting 4pm E 105
Nov. 18-19 Indoor Percussion Auditions (Thomas Cervenka)
Nov. 21-22 Winter Guard Auditions (Karolina Delgado)

December at a Glance:
Dec. 2 – Dress Rehearsal for Concert 3:30-5:30 (activity bus available)
Dec. 9 – Dress Rehearsal for Concert 5:30-7:30
Dec. 12 – Winter Arts Concert 6pm Auditorium
Dec. 14th – Sahuarita Town Winter Parade 4-7pm

I will be requiring sections during MPH at school and some sections after school Nov. 19th and 26th for the month of November. Students needing extra help on their music will be notified in class by Monday if they need to stay on Tuesday each week. They may take the activity bus home or be picked up by 5pm.

Now that marching band is over please make sure your child’s instrument is in good playing condition.
Woodwinds (flute, clarinet, oboe, saxophone) should be serviced at least once a year, they should have pads checked, alignments and corks worked on. Just like a car they will work better and last longer with a regular maintenance plan.
Brass instruments can be serviced less frequently but should have spit valves replaced ($ repair) valves checked and trombone slides aligned at least once everyother year. Please let me know if you have questions about your child’s instrument.

If you are looking into upgrades for your child around the holidays but can’t afford a new instrument, begin with an upgraded mouthpiece. As a musician I always owned several options of mouthpieces and used them at different times in both high school and college.


Christine Garcia
Sahuarita High School
Band and Orchestra Director
South Central Region Orchestra Chair
(520) 625-3502 X 1551