Whenever you are feeling unsure of your abilities, just remember that you are literally making an inanimate object sing. Don’t ever be discouraged



Recent Updates

Drumline Camp starts on Wednesday!

By |December 28th, 2020|

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! We are still in Phase 1, but have restructured our camp to maximize our 2 hours daily together. A reminder of the start times: Mallets: 9:30a-11:30a Cymbals & [...]

Indoor Percussion Camp Update

By |December 19th, 2020|

Hello all, Our camp is still scheduled for Wednesday, December, 30 through January 2. After several conversations with our school administration over the past few days, we have to move forward utilizing Phase 1 [...]

Concert and Needs

By |December 14th, 2020|

Dear  Parents, Please sign up to support our music boosters with the Fry's rewards program Yay! we can get Community Rewards from Fry's grocery store now. Below is the sign-up information. Your Fry's Account Community Rewards [...]

Indoor Percussion Update 12/13

By |December 13th, 2020|

Good morning everyone! Rehearsals this week: It is extremely important that parents are ready to pick up their child at the end of their section’s rehearsal. We have staggered start/end times to maximize social distancing. [...]
