Whenever you are feeling unsure of your abilities, just remember that you are literally making an inanimate object sing. Don’t ever be discouraged
Recent Updates
Concert Info
Dear Parents, On Friday in class the students took a survey about participation in the concert with options of alternate assignments if they will not participate in the event due to the return to [...]
Indoor Percussion Update 12/6/20
Hey team, A few important updates as we progress into the last few weeks into the semester: Rehearsals this week Despite SHS switching to full remote learning, we are still going to have rehearsals, albeit [...]
Concert and District Communication
Parents, At this time the concert set for December 10 at 6pm has not been addressed by the district, I am waiting for direction. At this time athletics and extracurricular activities have not been cancelled and [...]
Concert Week
Dear Parents, First off I apologize for the abundance of information in this email. Our semester is coming to a close and our concert will take place on Thursday, December 10th at 6pm. Students [...]