Whenever you are feeling unsure of your abilities, just remember that you are literally making an inanimate object sing. Don’t ever be discouraged
Recent Updates
Band – Mid November
Dear Parents, Class Fee collection continues, $50 for each performing ensemble class for the year. Sweatshirts should be arriving this week, if you have not paid for yours please pay ASAP $33. You can [...]
Indoor Percussion Update 11/15
Hello all, Parent Info Meeting Monday, November 16 at 7pm is our parent meeting. Here we will go over the handbook, fee structure, rehearsal schedule, volunteer needs, and policies/procedures. I will also address the [...]
Virtual Indoor Percussion Rehearsal TONIGHT!
A reminder that we have our virtual indoor percussion rehearsal tonight @ 6:00pm We will announce the placement audition results and take a look at some music! Parents, please remind your child if they [...]