Whenever you are feeling unsure of your abilities, just remember that you are literally making an inanimate object sing. Don’t ever be discouraged
Recent Updates
Indoor Percussion Season
This is the hardest email I’ve ever had to compose. Given the escalating concern around COVID-19, WGAZ has decided to follow suit with several other state circuits and cancel the remainder of the season. I [...]
Indoor Percussion Update 03/08
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! Yesterday was a LONG day and I appreciate everyone’s hard work from start to finish. This season, we started out as Regional A and were promoted to A-Local in the WGAZ [...]
March Competition – Band
Dear Parents, Please check your child's grades and make sure they have turned in their google classroom assignments. We have contest this week and our concert. I have sent home colored paper with the times [...]
Silent Auction Donations Needed!
DEADLINE IS TOMORROW. CAN YOU HELP? WE STILL NEED LOTS OF ITEMS. The Sahuarita High School Music Booster club is putting together several themed gift baskets for a Silent Auction. We are looking for donations [...]