Whenever you are feeling unsure of your abilities, just remember that you are literally making an inanimate object sing. Don’t ever be discouraged
Recent Updates
Props, Uniforms, and an IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT
Hello all, PROPS Tomorrow we will be building the tree props behind the band room @ 9:00. Mr. Allen has done a lot of work on them already, including all of he preparatory cuts necessary. [...]
3 weeks till Spring Break – Band
Dear Parents, I hope this email finds you well. Students have been using google classroom as part of our learning environment. Students have adjusted to the learning but many of the students continue to turn in assignments late [...]
Indoor Percussion Update 2/23
Hello all, Below is important information for the upcoming weeks. WGAZ Show Host Thank you so much to everyone that volunteered. We received nothing but positive feedback from WGAZ. The judges and WGAZ staff were [...]
Indoor Percussion Update 2/11
Hi all, This season has been grueling to say the least, but we are making HUGE strides in our production! Below is information regarding our upcoming show, our rehearsal schedule. Next week is a big [...]