Whenever you are feeling unsure of your abilities, just remember that you are literally making an inanimate object sing. Don’t ever be discouraged
Recent Updates
Indoor Percussion Update 1/12/2020
Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Our first competition is a month away! Uniforms have been ordered, and I’m so excited to put all of the pieces of our show together! We have a [...]
Last Indoor Percussion Update of 2019
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! A quick update for the upcoming camp on January 2-4 (I double-checked the dates this time!) Camp Checklist Water bottle EAR PLUGS Sack lunch Athletic shoes (non-negotiable) 3-ring [...]
Indoor Percussion Weekly Update 12/22
Happy Holidays! I hope everyone is enjoying their break! This week's email will be relatively short. 1. Practice. I have set a lofty goal to get the entire opener on the tarp during the upcoming [...]
Indoor Percussion Weekly Update 12/15
Hope everyone is ready for winter break! A few things… Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Donuts will be ready for pickup in the band room at 3:00 on Monday! A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Varner, Mrs. [...]