Whenever you are feeling unsure of your abilities, just remember that you are literally making an inanimate object sing. Don’t ever be discouraged
Recent Updates
CPAC Concert Clarification
Hi again Everyone,I meant to include call time information for Jazz Band for tomorrow's show and got ahead of myself.Students should arrive to the Green Valley CPAC (off Continental Rd.) by 5:00. Dress for tomorrow [...]
This Week’s Information
Happy Super Bowl Everyone!I have a few quick announcements for everyone for this week. I'll keep it pretty brief, but please make sure to look everything over.1) Tomorrow night is our Jazz Band Fundraiser Concert [...]
Important Upcoming Information – CORRECTION
There was a typo in the previous email!The chaperone code for JAZZ BAND TRIP ID you will need is: 213975Please see below for registration instructions for parents chaperoning!Mr. Benjamin GarlandDirector of Instrumental MusicSahuarita High School(520)625.3502 x1551
Important Upcoming Information – PLEASE READ
Parents and Students,In this email is some very important information to get us through the next few days. This is far and away the busiest time of the year, so it is VERY important to [...]