Dear Parents,
As we draw nearer to the date of our competition, we need every parent to volunteers for the day of the event. We ask that all parents volunteer for at least one shift the day of the event, and possibly more if you can. This is our largest fundraiser of the year and we need everyone’s support stand to make more than $6,000.00 on this one event. Please visit the website to sign-up via sign-up genius. This is the primary way we track volunteer sign-ups so please let us know in advance by signing up now! The sign=-up also has a section for donations and items we need to borrow from you for the day. An example is pop up shade structures that will be returned to you at the end of the event.
We need to borrow 2 Christmas tree bases from various families. These stands will be used for our sahuaro cacti that will be on the football field. We will be able to give them back after State right before Thanksgiving. We have two so far, please send what you can and please label your name on the stand.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far, at this time we do not need any more soda/pop. If you still wish to contribute gatorade in 8 packs is all we need.
Christine Garcia
Sahuarita High School
Band and Orchestra Director
South Central Region Orchestra Chair
(520) 625-3502 X 1551