Dear Parents,
We need your help and some items on my list are time sensitive.
1. We need parent(s) that are comfortable driving a district pickup truck with a 20 foot trailer, please reach out to me to get set up with the district to get cleared to drive for the band. There are several steps to this process, you must have a valid driver’s licence, you will need to be school board approved as a volunteer and get a badge (this can take a couple of weeks, it is an online application), you need to get an appointment with transportation to take a one hour driving test with a set person. All of these steps must go in order. We have 4-5 Saturday events this Season that need a driver, please reach out to me if you are interested.
2. Our props for the show are being built and we need someone to pick them up in Tempe. They are available for pick up any time August 18 – 22, morning, afternoon, or evening. You will need a full size pickup truck to pick them up. Please let me know if you are willing to be the pickup person.
3. Please visit our sign up genius and sign up to assist at our events. We have two things this month that need immediate attention. We need parents to help cook and serve the tailgate on August 20th prior to the friends and family show (3:30-6pm). Our show is at 7:15 on the football field! We also need parents to come in on August 23rd to iron the marching band uniforms, they have been hanging for almost two years and need to be pressed. There are two time slots each for 2 hours. We also will need parents to assemble the props once they arrive. Please sign up if you are available.
Christine Garcia
Sahuarita High School
Band and Orchestra Director
(520) 625-3502 X 1551